Mercer County Police Academy State of New Jersey

Basic Recruit Training

Basic Course For Police Officers

New Jersey Police Training Commission Mandatory Basic Police Training.

Our curriculum meets the strict requirements of the New Jersey Police Training Commission. We utilize staff instructors and adjunct instructors from Federal, State, County and Municipal agencies that we believe are the best in their field on any given subject.

Our Basic Course for Police Officers (currently 21 weeks) is designed for the newly appointed police officer and it is done in accordance with The Police Training Act (52:17B-66 et. seq.). The curriculum is approved by the Police Training Commission, Department of Law and Public Safety within the Division of Criminal Justice.

Upon the receipt of a request for an open position, a complete informational package will be sent out to the requesting agency. All PTC mandated forms would be due ten (10) days prior to the start of the class. Periodic drug screening of all trainees is conducted during the course. Positive urine tests will result in immediate dismissal. Sending agencies must supply their respective candidates with weapons and ammunition as required by the academy. All weapons and ammunition are subject to approval of the academy's range masters.




Class #32-24
Start: September 3rd, 2024
End: January 23rdth, 2025
Graduation Day:  January 24th, 2025


Class #31-24
Start: February 20th, 2024
End: July 10th, 2024
Graduation Day:  July 11th, 2024          . . .  COMPLETED


Class #30-23
Start: September 5th, 2023
End: January 25th, 2024
Graduation Day: January 26th, 2024    . . .  COMPLETED


Class #29-23
Stat: February 21st, 2023
End: July 13th, 2023
Graduation Day: July 13th, 2023          . . .  COMPLETED

Class #28-22
Start:  September 6th, 2022
End:   January 26th, 2023
Graduation Day: January 27th, 2023    . . . COMPLETED


Class #27-22
Start:  February 22nd, 2022
End:   July 13th, 2022 
Graduation Day: July 14th, 2022          . . .  COMPLETED

Class #26-21
Start:  September 7th, 2021
End:   January 27th, 2022                    . . . COMPLETED

Class #25-21
Start:  February 22nd, 2021
End:   July 14th, 2021                          . . . COMPLETED

Class #24-20
Start:  September 14th, 2020
End:   February 19th, 2021                  . . . COMPLETED

Class #23-20
Start:  February 18th, 2020
End:  August 21st, 2020                      . . . COMPLETED

Class #22-19
Start: September 3rd, 2019
End: January 23rd, 2020                     . . . COMPLETED

Class #21-19
Start: March 4th, 2019
Graduation July 18th, 2019                 . . . COMPLETED

Class #20-18
Start: September 10th, 2018
End: Febuary 1st, 2019                      . . . COMPLETED

Class #19-18
Start: April 2nd, 2018
End:  August 24th, 2018                      . . . COMPLETED

Class #18-17
Start: October 10th, 2017
End: March 9th, 2018                          . . . COMPLETED

Class #17-17
Start: May 8th, 2017
End: September 28th, 2017                . . . COMPLETED

Class #16-16
Start: November 14th, 2016
End: April 21st, 2017                          . . . COMPLETED    

Class #15-16
Start: May 16th, 2016
End: October 7th, 2016                       . . . COMPLETED

Class #14-15
Start: November 30th, 2015
End: April 22nd, 2016                          . . . COMPLETED

Class #13-15
Start: March 9th, 2015
End: July 31st, 2015                            . . . COMPLETED

Class #12-14
Start: Sept. 22nd, 2014
End: Feb. 13th, 2015                          . . . COMPLETED

Class #11-14
Start: April 28th, 2014
End: Sept. 17th, 2014                         . . . COMPLETED

Class #10-13
Start: August 12th, 2013
End: January 3rd, 2014                      . . . COMPLETED

Class #09-13
Start: March 11th, 2013
End: August 2nd, 2013                       . . . COMPLETED

Class #08-12
Start: October 1st, 2012
End: March 1st, 2013                         . . . COMPLETED

Class #07-12
Start: March 5th, 2012
End: July 27th, 2012                          . . . COMPLETED

Class #06-11
Start: March 7th, 2011
End: July 29th,2011                           . . . COMPLETED

Class #05-10
Start: March 1st, 2010
End: July 23rd, 2010                         . . . COMPLETED

Class #04-09
Start: March 2nd, 2009
End: July 24th, 2009                         . . . COMPLETED

Class #03-08
Start: September 8th, 2008
End: January 28th, 2009                  . . . COMPLETED

Class #02-07
Start: September, 2007
End: February 15th, 2008                 . . . COMPLETED

Class #01-07
Start: January 22nd, 2007
End: June 8th, 2007                          . . . COMPLETED

$500.00 for in-county personnel.
$750.00 for out-of-county personnel.
$200.00 for out-of-county waivers


  • Professional Development
  • Criminal Justice System
  • Police Community Relations
  • Criminal Law
  • Legal Requirements of Arrest, Search, Seizure, Evidence, and Use of Force
  • Communications
  • Vehicle Operations
  • Emergency Medical Care
  • Weaponry and Unarmed Defensive Tactics
  • Patrol Concepts
  • Traffic and Motor Vehicle Law
  • Criminal Investigation
  • Physical Fitness