For a Letter of Recommendation, please include the following:

1. Your full name:
2. Courses you took with me, and their dates: (example MAT146H F16)
3. List technology used:(ALEKS, Connect, Zoom, PowerPoint, graphing calculator, other)
4. Describe any group-work: (Name of group, your function in the group, group topic/data):
5. Describe your research project: (topic, interesting conclusions, features you took pride in)
6. Describe any interactions with me outside of class: ( office hours, math club meetings, texts or emails, etc.)
7. Describe your grades: ( were they what you expected)
8. Date recommendation must be completed:
9. Be sure to include where recommendations must be sent:

10. Briefly explain why you asked me (instead of a Liberal Arts professor) to write you a letter of recommendation: