MCCC Athletics
to Team Page Women's Tennis 2013  

Match Recap

Mercer @ Bucks

7-0 Win



Newtown, PA -

Mercer women's tennis (5-4) won their fifth match of the 2013 season beating Bucks CCC 7-0.  Valerie Gapco (Hamilton, NJ/Nottingham) 1st Singles, 1st Doubles, Salomey Owusu (Allentown, NJ/Allentown) 2nd Singles, 1st Doubles and Nataly Hernandez (Trenton, NJ/Hamilton West) 3rd Singles, 2nd Doubles each had wins at two flights.  Kelly Runzer (Chesterfield, NJ/Northern Burlington) and Miranda Leone (Columbus, NJ/Northern Burlington) picked up wins at 4th and 5th Singles, respectively.  Tiffany Fortier (Princeton, NJ/Lawrence) teamed with Hernandez for the win at 2nd Doubles.